"You can learn a lot from a flower - they're beautiful and then they die." I recently came across this quote and liked it. It communicates a truth that is simple, concise and hard to accept - for most human beings. How many of us - who swoon over flowers and natural beauty - accept the laws of nature? How many of us have the humility to recognise the fact that we are no more and no less than a flower, growing in a garden or a forest or by the roadside. That we are born, we live and we die. Mostly our fear of living prevents us from even blooming. That's life. The life of a human being. What a pity.
group website: www.basicindia.net
Mostly our fear of living prevents us from even blooming.
Very nice post...and so true. How many of us keep waiting for tomorrow while the todays pass us by and soon we find ourselves withered and wishing we had done more in the short time we have here.
amazingly we were just sharing this thought with Suhail today and you gave me the link to your post...
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